The Women of Color Network is a national grassroots initiative responding to violence against women and families in communities of color. We are a place where Women of Color in grassroots and mainstream programs can connect across geographic, social, political and professional boundaries.
Although 2nd Chance provides services for victim/survivors of all genders, we know that is can be extremely difficult for male identifying persons to find help after abuse. Male Survivor offers a variety of services that may be beneficial. Click the image for more information.
Abuse in later life is a serious matter. 2nd Chance offers a variety of services for elders.
Being afraid to leave a pet in an abusive situation can be a barrier for many people when they are considering entering shelter. Shelby Safe Pet is a statewide program partnered with Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence programs helping owners with short term fostering, boarding, vetting, and other services. Visit the site or email for more details.
800-799-SAFE (7233) 800-787-3224 (TTY) Advocates are also available to chat 24/7
24 hour Crisis Line: (256) 236-7233
Statewide Crisis Line: 1-800-650-6522
Abusers often check to see what sites you have visited.
We recommend that you use a computer that your abuser does not know about, such as at a public library or a trusted friend or family member’s home.
There is always a computer trail, but you can leave this site quickly by pressing the Exit Site at the bottom of all pages of this site.